Money Back Guarantee | Hills Transforming Lives

Money Back Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. Or your money back.

Hill's is 100% guaranteed for quality, consistency and taste, or your money back. These words are stated on all our bags and although we receive a very small number of 100% MBG claims, we take them very seriously:

Firstly, we believe it shows our commitment to our products and a superior service level.

Secondly, it helps you try Hill’s without reservation because if your pet won’t eat it we will refund you.

And lastly, all complaints we receive get fed into an international complaints system which help us detect, track and log any problems that may occur with specific batches or products.

dogs As it states, "Hill's is 100% guaranteed for quality, consistency and taste, or your money back."

In other words, you can claim: Unfortunately we will refuse claims where: In order to receive your refund you need to take the bag together with the unused portion of food to the store or vet where you purchased the food. They may request a proof of purchase. All refunds are based on the price on receipt up to the Recommended Retail Selling Price.